Rosary Apostolate
The Rosary Apostolate had a humble beginning at St. Barnabas Parish in 1993. Our first group met with only 8 people, starting with the assistance of Father John Joseph Heigl, a White Father Missionary who labored with the people in Tanzania. Since our merger, we have acquired a new name - St. Martha Rosary Apostolate - and now have 20 members. (But, we could always use more dedicated workers for Mary's cause!).
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month throughout the year. Each month, we return the completed bead and string Rosaries and pick up new materials to make more Rosaries in our own home and spare time. After obtaining our materials, we "settle in" to read a prayer of dedication to Our Blessed Mother, (composed by John Paul II) and then recite the Scriptural Rosary. Afterward, we read the secretarial minutes and letters from Missionaries, and go over our financial report, as well as any new business. We ask that all persons dedicated in this missionary work donate at least $3.00 to help defray the cost of materials and shipping.
From January 2012, we have made and sent 231,000 Rosaries to the countries of Africa, Taiwan, Philippines, New Guinea, India, Brazil, California and some local hospitals. Also we have placed some of our Rosaries in the pews during the month of May.
Brian Miller - 716-684-6342