Mass Times


Mass Times:

Family Weekly Mass Schedule 

St Martha Parish Weekly Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday - 8:15 am
Saturday Vigil Mass - 5:00 pm
Sunday Mass - 8:00 am
                        10:00 am 

       Before Saturday Mass 
       (If a Priest is Available)

Eucharistic Adoration
        9 am - 3 pm, Mon-Fri in the Chapel
         (Closed for Holidays and Holy Days)

Parish Rectory Office Hours

  • Mon - Fri: 9AM-4:00 PM  
  • CLOSED Noon-1PM, daily
  • Going Out of Town? Check out to find a church near your destination.


Ash Wednesday, March 5th: 8:15am, 12:10pm and 7:30pm

Penance Service: St. Martha: Monday, March 31st at 3 pm & 7 pm

                               St. Mary's: Wednesday, April 9th at 3 pm & 7 pm

Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 7:30 pm

No Holy thursday Mass.

         There will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 8 pm to 10 pm. (Holy Thurssday)

 Good Friday, April 18th: Solemn Liturgical Service: 1:30 PM

                                          Tenebrae Service: 7:30 PM

Saturday, April 19th:  Blessing of the Baskets: 12 noon

Easter Vigil, April 19th: 8 PM

Easter Sunday, April 0th:  8 AM and 10 AM